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  • Suzhou Jiasu Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional machine tool manufacturer.
    Has many years of experience in CNC technology research and development, production and sales.
    Related Products:


    Closed single point high performance press

    Category: Press
    Newstime: 2019-11-19
    Product details:

    Contact us

    Suzhou Jiasu Machinery Co., Ltd.

    Phone: 0512-62571870

    Fax: 0512-62571870

    Mobile phone: 13931134725

    Email: 404532321@qq.com

    Website: www.jiasucnc.com

    Address: Jinxing Fumin Industrial Park, No. 5418 Wuzhong Avenue, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province

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